We have had an amazing summer so far. Addison has had so many fun
new adventures :) She rode a kiddie ride for the first time in June at Knoebel's Amusement park. I think I was more excited than anyone! This was when Addison was really starting to get around more and she wanted to be on the move at the park. We took several times of rest and allowed her to explore! She LOVED it!

The fourth of July was a lot of fun too! We got to visit with all of our family and our special friends

Jen, Trinity, and Bryce. Addison was so on the go by this time (walking) that I couldn't get a good shot of her
not moving! I love our times as a family all together. It doesn't happen as often as I'd like but when it does, it's so special. My sister, Jill and Addison matched in their red, white, and blue!
And finally we went took Addison to the beach for the very first time! It was so sweet to see her laugh and smile when the waves crashed at her feet. She didn't mind the heat, sun, waves, water, or sand AT ALL! I'm so pleased that she's not bothered by any of it because I LOVE the beach. We went to Bethany Beach, in Delaware for the day. It's a beautiful beach and I'm sure we will make many more family memories there!

Life is good as are God's blessings!