He brought me to study Hezekiah today. What an AMAZING King he was! I learned so much about his reign and what he did right in the eyes of God and where he struggled. "This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing that was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God's temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered." 2 Chronicles 31:21. God even saved his life~! Say what! He turned the sun back shadows and gave Hezekiah 15 more years of life.
Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed. When they were afraid and uncertain about their circumstances, they prayed.
Don't get me wrong, there were times Hezekiah was afraid but according to 2 Chronicles 32:1 we can be faithful to God and centered in His will and still be attacked by the enemy. Sometimes faith is the absence of fear. Other times faith may be choosing to believe God even when your heart is melting with fear. Perhaps, then, faith is tested by what we do with fear, not whether or not we have it.
Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed. When they were afraid and uncertain about their circumstances, they prayed.
How we respond to life and what happens to us will greatly impact our children and grandchildren. Our actions, both good and bad, will have consequences after we are absent from the earth. While we are enjoying the bliss of heaven and the mercy of God's grace, our grandchildren still could be reaping painful consequences of situations we've sown. Our, they can be enjoying the benefits of faithful lives by the great-grandparents who have gone before them.
I'm challenged today to live an even more faithful life to the Lord. Spending more time in prayer and trusting for His provision and leading in my life. I can only hope to leave a impacting legacy of faithful service, hope, and trust in the Lord for my children and grandchildren.
I'm challenged today to live an even more faithful life to the Lord. Spending more time in prayer and trusting for His provision and leading in my life. I can only hope to leave a impacting legacy of faithful service, hope, and trust in the Lord for my children and grandchildren.