- For my birthday Ron took me to NYC! It was a blast and so very exciting. I was totally pooped by the end of the day, but it was SO very worth it. The love that he showed me by planning this special day was so needed and so appreciated.
- We finalized Addison's adoption this week (on Tuesday). I still can't believe it took 14 months to make everything final. Goodness! I love my little girl with all my heart. She is God's gift to me.
- We had a small get-together after Addison's adoption hearing. The love we felt from our family and friends was so very fulfilling. I really felt supported.
- On Friday night we had a group of young adults from our church over for a bon-fire. It was super fun! We shared some crazy stories, ate yummy food, drank smooth and creamy homemade hot cocoa, and built stronger relationships with one another. I LOVE nights like these :)
- On Saturday my mom and I pulled off a surprise 50th birthday party for our special Friend, June. June attends our church, our relationship began over 5 years ago. She has always been special to me. Over this past year, she has gone through a lot in her own life. He husband left her, and she lost everything. She was at an all time low. But through the love of her community, church, and family, she's been able to move forward one step at a time. We decided it was necessary to throw her a party. She had a BLAST~! She was so surprised and it all worked out beautifully...even the song we sang to her on a whim (at the last minute). It was so fun. I thank my husband for teaching our church family about sharing the love of Christ through acts of kindness and community care.
- The culmination of the week was today: Pastor Appreciation Sunday. Our Vice Chairman for the board at our church always does an amazing job at celebrating my husband and I for our service to the church. Today was extraordinary. There were special songs, presentations, gifts, cards, gift cards, goodies, hugs, lovin', and a special dinner. I always feel so special in October; our church does a spectacular job at showing us love :)
- One final small blessing: My mom and my aunt bought us two large boxes of diapers! That is such a blessing to our little family. Money is tight but we try really hard to manage it well...so even diapers are a GREAT help.
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
Great blessings. This was a joy to read. I love to hear about how God is blessing others. :)