Recently I've been dealing with an area of uncertainly in my life...just waiting for the Lord to speak to me and give me direction. I wanted the direction now. I didn't want to wait too long and miss a window of opportunity. My husband had been praying fervently about this as well.
Several months passed and Ron began sharing with me what he thought the Lord was laying on his heart. Outwardly I verbalized compliance with the decision but inwardly I was torn up about it. I wasn't sure God was telling me the same thing or if I was getting in the way of my own self.
Last weekend I attended CLAM (Christian Life and Ministry) convention. It was a day set aside for intentional spiritual growth. As soon as the first main session began I was feeling the Holy Spirit moving. Musical worship began and I started to feel more and more drawn to my Savior's side. When the worship team began to sing Everlasting God (by Chris Tomlin) I started to feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to wait on the Lord in this certain area of my life. The tears came like fresh rain on my face while the Holy Spirit warmed my heart with presence of the Almighty. I knew right then and there that God wanted me to wait on Him and that my strength would grow with His power because HE does no grow faint or weary.
God used this worship experience on this particular day though these particular people to nudge me back to Him by saying..."Robyn, wait on me." I felt the message so clear from what seemed like such an unclear situation a day before this event.
So I'm thankful that God did not write across the sky in bold letters what I was supposed to do because through His gentle nudge I was drawn closer to Him. 
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