I am about to burst! I just had to share about a new Bible Study I've been doing calling Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I know the study has been around since 1999 but I just bought the updated version and started it last week. I have to be honest, I haven't done a "Bible Study" during personal quiet time in a long time. This study is amazing!! I'm thrilled at all the Bible history I'm learning-I eagerly await the time each day when I can come, sit and rest awhile at His feet...
I encourage you, if you are not currently studying God's Word, jump right in, try a new study. His Word is true and fulfilling.
My favorite part of the study for today was when Isaiah got his call from God in the year King Uzziah died. In the scripture it writes "In the year Jotham (King Uzziah's son) became king, I saw the Lord." Isaiah 6:1. "Not the existence of something new but the removal of something old (King Uzziah who everyone loved but was lost in the sin of pride died, and then his son took over after), opened Isaiah's eyes to the kingship of God. At no time is our vision more capable of seeing God in His rightful place than when the focus of our former attentions has been removed from our sight. Sadly, however, the removal of our earthly king could be to no avail. Like the people of Isaiah's day, we can choose to be everseeing, but never perceiving."
God knows just what we need to hear, doesn't He? I love how he gently nudges me to listen to Him here...
The final note of the study for today says "May we voluntarily dethrone every Uzziah and every Jotham in our lives and put them in their rightful places. Only then are we free to see the Lord seated on a throne, high and lifted up, as we journey to our destination."
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