Monday, November 21, 2011


When I reflect back over this year I am thankful most for two things.

The first being the way God has stretched me in my faith walk with Him. Through several different Bible studies, God has revealed Himself to me in a new light. I have come to a better understanding of why He's allowed some thing to occur in my life that I had thought (at the time) to have been a hindrance. It's pretty awesome the way He can speak to us when we really search His heart and His word. I'm so very grateful for the way He's blessing my life as I learn to hunger for more of Him.

Second being, my Addison. I'm inclined to be forever grateful for her little life. She's growing so fast, and when I see her blooming, I am so in awe of the gift she is to me and Ron and the world. My heart is so full of love for her some days, I think it will burst. With tears, I thank God again for this precious gift of a long awaited child. My Addy girl.

May you all find peace and rest in Christ's astounding love this Thanksgiving season.