Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Is This Really Happening??

It was a hectic day about three and a half years ago when I sat down at the end of the day exhausted, having just rocked my 18 month old baby to sleep for the 5th time that day, laundry piled high, and a kitchen sink full of dishes, when I thought...these day are going to last forever...or so it seemed.

We spent most of our day on the floor playing, scribbling on paper while sitting in her highchair, going on "walks" around our backyard and kicking the ball all over the place. We were pals. We had hours upon hours to play and play, or so I thought.

Those hours of play turned into days which turned into weeks and months and now I sit on the eve of her first FULL day of Kindergarten and think...where has the time gone?! Where is the baby we waited 10 years for gone to and why does she have to grow up? Don't get my wrong, there have been tough parenting days, we all have them, but I've cherished my time at home with Addison these last 5 years immensely.

We are closing an amazing chapter in our lives and moving on to another? How can the next chapter be better than our last? People say "she will love Kingergarten!" I say, "that's great, but I will miss her, tremendously." She's my only little. She's my little love, my miracle child, our gift.

So as I grieve the closing of one chapter and turn the page into another, I shed some tears...tears of joy, thankflness, happiness, and some sadness. She's another year older and starting school. Is this real?

I pray that we've prepared her enough for the world she's about to expereince. I pray that she knows who she is enough to believe in herself and love herself even when the days are rough. Mostly, I pray that she knows God loves her no matter what may happen in her day. That HE is always there to call on and that HE will protect her and that HE will love her unconditionally when that friend says "she isn't her friend anymore."

My child, you are loved. You are a daily blessing and joy to our lives. Our lives are SO much richer with you in it. Stand tall, love who you are, how you were made, and how God has gifted you for this life. We are cheering you on, always.

Mama will always be here, (I'm just across the street actually) waiting with open arms. We will always and forever be pals.

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