Monday, January 24, 2011

New Thoughts

I have always been encouraged by a certain devotional book Streams In The Dessert, and this week it was nothing less. I think I've read through the devotional several times, but it seems that God reveals to me new thoughts and insights every time.

Last week I read these words:

"Some of life's storms-a great sorrow, a bitter disappointment, a crushing defeat-suddenly come upon us. Others may come slowly, appearing on the uneven edge of the horizon no larger that a person's hand. But trouble that seems so insignificant spreads until it covers the sky and overwhelms us.

Yet it is in that storm that God equips us for service. When God wants an oak tree, He plants it where the storms will shake it and the rains will beat down upon it. It is in the midnight battle with the elements that the oak develops its rugged fiber and becomes the king of the forest.

When God wants to make a person, He puts him into some storm. The history of humankind has always been rough and rugged. No one is complete until he has been out into the surge of the storm and has found the glorious fulfillment of the prayer O God, take me, break me, make me.

The wind that blows can never kill
the tree the God plants;
It blows toward east, and then toward west,
The tender leaves have little rest,
But any wind that blows is best.
The tree that God plans
Strikes deeper root, grows higher still,
Spreads greater limbs, for God's good will
Meets all its wants
There is no storm has power to blast
The tree God knows;
No thunderbolt, nor beating rain,
Nor lightning flash, nor hurricane;
When they are spent, it does remain,
The tree God knows,
Through every storm it still stands fast,
And from its first day to its last
Still fairer grows"

L.B. Cowman

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sweet Surprises!

I have this very kind friend. Her name is Judy. Life has not been easy to her, in fact, it's been quite difficult. Judy was born with CP. In many ways it had dictated who she was, what she was going to do, and where she was going to go in life. As an adult Judy came to know the Lord as her Savior. A beautiful story. Through learning the Word, listening to Joyce Meyer, and fellowshipping with other believers, Judy began a personal journey to emotional freedom. She's still working at it today and I'm honored to be alongside her through this journey.

She's been a special friend who thinks of our family often. She calls, e-mails, sends cards and absolutely loves Addison. She and I live 45 minutes away from one another so we don't get to see each other too often...but when we do, it's always a blast!

I got to see Judy today and she blessed my socks off with this Vera Bradley bag she bought for me (a combo gift for my b-day and Christmas). Perfect for those days when I'm on the run with Addison. What a gift! I mean, seriously. So very loving and heartfelt. When I'm with Judy I am reminded to take life slowly and gently and to calm down. She has a soothing effect on me...blessed I am to know her!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Better Than Kashi

I bought these Kashi cookies for $3.99 (for a box of 8) the other week while perusing the organic aisle at the grocery store. I wanted to have something healthy on hand to eat when I wanted something sweet. :)

I like the cookies. I think they are really good. But, kinda dry. So I thought...hey I can make something similar that won't cost a lot. I've never made low-fat or low-calorie cookies before, so I was a bit apprehensive about trying applesauce in a cookie recipe. I decided to look for a recipe online that I could try.

They were a hit!
Everyone in my family loved them, including Addison. Ron thought they tasted similar to the Kashi brand but they were much more moist. I'm so pleased that I found a recipe I can use in place of paying the high cost of a name brand. AND I added flax seed and a bit of wheat germ to boost up their health value. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Super Savings Saturday!

Today was a fun day. Super fun for me in the savings department. I've been inspired by one of my friends (Jessica Ives) at all the savings she finds and coupons she uses. I thought, I really need to get on board with this savings stuff!

Before Christmas Ron and I had decided that this new year were were going to make a few changes financially to get ourselves in better "shape" so to speak and so we can give more. I usually have a nice grocery budget for each month but rarely a month goes by where I don't go over that budget. But these last four weeks I've been working really hard at staying our under $100 (every two weeks) budget. I've managed to do it, and I'm so pleased with myself!! I keep track of every cent I put into my grocery cart (with a calculator), so I know where I'm at as I go along. It's been so fun! Actually kinda like a game as to what's the best deal I can get for an item. It also keeps me from putting random things in the cart that we don't need. AND I've been able to do this by choosing healthier options on food products. I was so happy to find a type of "Lean Cuisine" meal at Aldi (Fit and Active) for only $1.79 compared to the usual $2.99-$4 I spend on each meal. I don't like to eat these types of meals often but I made a promise to myself that this year, since I work two days a week, that I will only eat out one day (with colleagues), and take my lunch to work the other day each week. I just love Aldi and the Fit and Active Brand! Great job food makers out there!

Then my second steal and I mean steal was when I used three coupons at CVS to buy a pack of Pampers. My cost: $3!! AMAZING! Woo hoo for coupons!

Finally, my third deal of the day was from Michael's. I usually get a 40% off coupon when I buy items there, but last week I got a 50% off coupon! So today I bought Addison a Melissa and Doug puzzle for only $6! Gotta love that. Originally it was $12.99. And it even makes the animal sounds. Addison's going to love it.

I feel like I was being a better steward of the money God has entrusted Ron and I with today. I am so pleased with myself! I know, I know, this may all sound silly to someone who's been using coupons for years...but for this city's a lesson well learned and lived out!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Lift My Hands

I've been listening to my new CD by Chris Tomlin this week, And If Our God is For Us (if anyone knows me they know I really enjoy his music~he's my favorite Christian artist). There is one song that really touches my heart and the words have been ministering to me all week long.

"Be still there is a healer,
His love is deeper than the seas
His mercy, it is unfailing
His arms are a fortress for the weak

Let faith arise
Let faith arise

I lift my hands to to believe again
You are my refuge, You are my strength
As I pour out my heart, these things I remember
You are faithful, God, forever

Be still, there is a river
That flows from Calvary's tree
A fountain for the thirsty
Pure grace that washes over me

So let faith arise
Let faith arise
Open my eyes
Open my eyes

I lift my hands to believe again
You are my refuge, you are my strength
As I pour out my heart, these things I remember
You are faithful, God, forever"

God is just so good. So very good. I just can't help but share!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Health-Filled New Year

Every year I make New Years resolutions. I usually don't achieve these resolutions. I know, it's sad. I decided this year that I would view things differently. I decided to take things slow. To savor life, treat myself gently, and draw closer to God. No specific goals. No timelines. No pressures. Just trying to slow down and work on becoming a healthier me.

One of the first recipes I made this new year was Black Bean and Salsa Soup with Veggie Quesadillas. It was a hit! Sometimes I think it's hard to make low-fat food taste good (or at
least good enough for my family to enjoy). But this recipe is really good. Good enough to post about. :) So here it is....enjoy~!


Savor every moment!

Addison is growing up so fast! Way too fast for me :( I want to enjoy every moment and not miss a beat. During the week between Christmas and New Years we went to my mom's in Maryland for a 6 day visit. It was so nice to get away from work and all of life pressures. I also LOVE when I go visit my mom and dad how much support we receive with Addy. :) It's so nice to sleep in and take a break from the daily stressors of parenting. My mom is a SUPER awesome help with Addy. A few days she let Ron and I sleep in, which is so nice! She rocked her to sleep a few times and just spent time playing with her. One of my mom's favorite things to do is put Addison to sleep-she just loves the time when the baby (or so we call her...hehe) is asleep in her arms. She soaks it ALL in...sometimes holding her for 30-45 minutes after she's asleep!
One morning she woke up EARLY and needed a short morning nap because of this. So my mom rocked her and just held her.

Their bond is beautiful to me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 brought:

Love so immensely deep; which I had never experienced before

Fun filled or should I say Hilarious days full of play

Rewarding work relationships

New Friendships

Special visits from friends out of state

Many a new recipe tried and tweaked

Love shared

Challenging parenting moments

Stressful scheduling changes

Parental disagreements

Sleepless nights

Sleep-filled nights


Much needed support from my family




AND most of all... JOY.

I look at 2010 as a year of changes and challenges. The way God used certain situations to grow me in my walk with Him are sometimes fought at first, and then surrendered. When I look back, I see where He's brought me and where He desires me to go. At times it brought tears. But the more I let go of the struggle and rely on Him, the quicker He can do His work in me.

My hope for 2011 is that God will continue to do an inner work in me by teaching me to slow down, savor life, and become more aware of what my body is telling me about what it needs. I hope my faith will grow by leaps and bounds! So I say this year:

"Bring me joy, bring me peace

Bring the chance to be free

Bring me anything that brings You glory

And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain

But if that's what it takes to praise you

Jesus, bring the rain." Mercy Me

Happy New Year!