Love so immensely deep; which I had never experienced before
Fun filled or should I say Hilarious days full of play
Rewarding work relationships
New Friendships
Special visits from friends out of state
Many a new recipe tried and tweaked
Love shared
Challenging parenting moments
Stressful scheduling changes
Parental disagreements
Sleepless nights
Sleep-filled nights
Much needed support from my family
AND most of all... JOY.
I look at 2010 as a year of changes and challenges. The way God used certain situations to grow me in my walk with Him are sometimes fought at first, and then surrendered. When I look back, I see where He's brought me and where He desires me to go. At times it brought tears. But the more I let go of the struggle and rely on Him, the quicker He can do His work in me.
My hope for 2011 is that God will continue to do an inner work in me by teaching me to slow down, savor life, and become more aware of what my body is telling me about what it needs. I hope my faith will grow by leaps and bounds! So I say this year:
"Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise you
Jesus, bring the rain." Mercy Me
Happy New Year!
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