For many years I've lived by keeping a schedule by using a paper calendar of some sort. Some years I've just bought a spiral bound one and have thrown it away after the year is through. On other years I've bought calendar inserts from Franklin Covey for my leather planner.
After getting my first smart phone almost three years ago (an iPhone), I've come to love it's calendar feature as well. Particularly, last year when my husband and I synced our calendars and it made for a much smoother family schedule. Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely adore the features of my iPhone.
But, after using both calendar systems, I think I've decided that this year I shall use both!! Crazy as that sounds, I think having the smart phone to notify me when I have appointments (or my husband or our daughter) will still be imperative, but also having a paper calendar will help me see the "big" picture when it comes to planning vacations and my thirty-one business.
So it is, to be for the paper calendar AND smart phone calendar.
Hope it doesn't drive me crazy! ;)
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
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