You know that moment when you realize that you need to be refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated? The moment when you look inside yourself and feel tired, worn down, and discouraged.
These last 8 months have been hard. Following God's leading and leaving our pastorate after 7 years has been the toughest ministry transition to date (for our family). While I'm thankful for God's leading and gentle nudging on our hearts, it sure has been a time where He's been stretching us beyond what I thought I could bear some days.
Recently I read, that while many pray for God's will to be accomplished in their lives, they don't realize that it is already being accomplished. God is already working on me. His plan (as long as I comply) is being impressed daily. I don't have to wait for God's will to occur, it already is, right now! It may not be what I was looking for or wanting, but He is working. I've been learning a lot about my Savior these last several months, and it has been exciting.
I'm very thankful for my parents who are letting us stay with them temporarily. During this time we've been going to their church at Bay Area Community. We've really enjoyed sitting under the dynamic and challenging preaching. It has been a refreshing time~to be able to just sit back, play no role in the service, and absorb what God is sharing each Sunday. I know that this time is so precious, as it will be coming to a close in a few short weeks.
Life is complicated. Life is hard some days. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to go to the Women of Faith conference in DC this weekend. Thankfully, I got the last ticket the church had to offer at a discounted price. :) God knew I needed this time. He knew I needed to be renewed and refreshed for our next chapter in ministry. He knows my name and desires the best for me AND for you.
My favorite quote from this weekend was from Christine Cain and she said this: "Unless we choose today to deal with yesterday, we'll never get to tomorrow." It really hit me. Too many people, including myself, live in our yesterday's. She said we need to work through it, leave the shame at the cross, and move forward into what God has for us. Unashamed.
God is good. He chiseling away, piece by piece.
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
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