Saturday, November 10, 2012

My New Favorite

I love soup, yes I do, I love soup, how 'bout you!?

Haha, just had to add that little cheer I've been singing to Addison lately to encourage her to eat more veggies! ;)

Anyways, I tried a new recipe for Chicken Enchilada soup this weekend. Be still my heart.
Loved it. Had to share the recipe with you! 

Let me know if you make it and what you think. :)

We're enjoying getting ready for Thanksgiving. One of my favorite times of year. It's cool outside but the house is warm. Thankful for a new ministry, a new home, and new friends this November.

So, bowls up! Have a ladle of soup and count your blessings!

Here's a link to the recipe:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Sunday Moments

Starting my day talking with God and learning a gentle lesson He's been trying to teach me.

Learning about how faith moves mountains, even if those mountains are within me. God has work to do in me to produce a miracle of faith in my life. Blessed by the sermon at Bay Area Community Church today.

Overhearing Addison singing a new song she learned at church with gusto! Even though the words were jumbled :)

Sharing in snuggles after nap time & getting sweet kisses from my three year old

Playing dolls with my daughter, who is so sweet and innocent in her play

Catching her using Noah to fly her Little People plane. I didn't know Noah was a pilot. ;)

Spending time with my precious family-hugging my brother-one of the last times before I move to Michigan...

Enjoying a small afternoon nap...ahh bliss!

Rocking my daughter to sleep (yes, she still likes to be rocked a bit) and singing her Jesus Loves Me...enjoying each and every moment of holding her tight.

Feeling so thankful for every blessing that comes from above

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saying Goodbye..For a Little While

Two things I know for sure: things change & life goes on.

In two weeks I'll be moving along with my husband and our little girl to a new home, a new town, a new state. And while I'm very excited about this move, there are a few things I must say goodbye to for now...

Being a girl from the east coast the wide open ocean has always been my second home. The sound of the crashing waves, the wind on my face, and the smell of the salt water always becons me, come be still and sit a while. It's my favorite place to be. Here are a few snapshots of this love...

Living in Pennsylvania these last 9 years has taught me a better understanding of the simpler life, a more contented life, and to celebrate the joys of special, God given friendships.

I'll miss this place, for sure! It's too bad we didn't come out with a win this year.

And my beloved Georgetown Cupcake!! I honestly can say that they have THE best cupcakes in the world. My absolute favorites. I've made many a trips there. Just ask my sister, she knows. ;) She lives just down the street from one of their locations.

I'll never forget all the wonderful memories made at TWC. Including this beautiful baptism service celebrating these wonderfully, changed people.

And finally, my loves. I will miss being with them for birthday celebrations, Mother's Day dinners, Fun Fourth of July festivities, and my nieces numerous choir & drama performances.

But this I know for sure...we are called. Called by God to serve His people and make a difference for His kingdom. The missed holiday events, birthday parties, family functions are worth the end gain-saved souls. It's worth it all.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
So, east coast, it's so long for now, but I'll always hold you close in my heart
-'cause you run in my veins!
Here we come MICHIGAN! We are SO excited about this new adventure! Let the fun begin!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

Ah yes, Pinterest calls again. This time for something sweet!  I found this recipe for Cake Mix cookies last week and thought it would be a fun and easy baking recipe for me & Addison to make together. It turned out to be just so, super easy and quick. Addison was able to help with all the steps (at age 3). I'm delighted to say she's getting quite good at cracking eggs. She cracked both eggs into the bowl without getting any shells in. Way to go big girl!!

The cookies turned out soft and moist. A bit cake like but with a slighty crisp crust. This recipe would be a great go-to if you were in a pinch for fresh cookies. Oh and you could use any cake flavor you'd want.

Give 'em a try. They're easy peasy. :)  Here's the link to the recipe.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chicken Enchiladas with Red Chile Sauce

Whew! It had been quite a weekend filled with lots of fun activities and much needed rest.

Saturday I spent some time shopping with my mom and got some great deals on some fall clothes for Addison. Gotta love us some Kohl's cash!! I tell you getting a Kohl's card has been worth all the savings you get to enjoy. A little shout out to my friend Deb Sees who convinced me to get one. ;) We also went grocery shopping and got free iced coffee's from Dunkin Donuts with coupons my mom had. It was a fun day!

Yesterday I decided to go un-plugged. I kept my phone and iPad off all day. Ahh, it was so nice and quiet and I didn't miss it a bit! In the morning we went to church (beyond amazing sermon on Faith), I spent time making a new low-fat roasted broccoli and fettuccini alfredo Sunday dinner. We all took naps and then went to the park to play tennis in the evening. It was such a beautiful day! Me oh my!

So, needless to say I've been wanting to post about this recipe I tried this week. I found the picture of it on Pinterest but the recipe is adapted from American's Test Kitchen.

Are you ready for it? It's THE YUMMIEST chicken enchildas I've ever had or made. I'm so excited to share it with you guys. So here's the recipe:

  • 1 medium onion, chopped fine
  • 2 jalapenos, seeded and chopped fine
  • 1 teaspoon canola oil
  • 3 medium cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 Tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 15-oz can tomato sauce
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 large beefsteak tomato, seeded and chopped
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts (2 large breasts)
  • 1 cup extra sharp white cheddar, shredded
  • 1 cup monterey jack cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cup minced fresh cilantro
  • 12 (6-inch) soft corn tortillas
  • cooking spray
  • salt and ground black pepper
 Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Combine the onion, jalapeno, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and oil in a large saucepan. cover and cook over medium-low heat, stirring often, until the onions and peppers have softened, 8-10 minutes. Stir in the garlic, chili powder, cumin, and sugar, and cook until fragrant, less than 30 seconds. Stir in the tomato sauce, water, and chopped tomato. Bring to a simmer, and cook until slightly thickened, 5 minutes.

Nestle the chicken into the sauce. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook until chicken is cooked through (thickest part reaches 160 degrees), about 12-20 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a plate, and set aside to cool.

Strain the sauce through a strainer into a medium bowl, pressing the onion mixture to extract as much liquid as possible. Transfer the onions to a large bowl and set aside. Season sauce with additional salt and pepper to taste.

Shred the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Add to the onion mixture, and add 1/4 cup of the enchilada sauce, 1 cup cheese, and the cilantro. Toss to combine.

Stack the tortillas on a plate and cover with plastic wrap; Microwave on high until warm and pliable, 40-60 seconds. Spread the tortillas on a clean work surface, and spoon 1/3 cup of the chicken mixture evenly down the center of each. Tightly roll each tortilla and lay seam-side down in a greased 9x13 inch baking dish.

Lightly spray the tops of the enchiladas with cooking spray. Place in the oven, uncovered, for about 7 minutes, or until the tortillas start to brown slightly (skip this step if you don't like the crunch).

Reduce heat to 400. Remove enchiladas and pour sauce evenly on top. Top with the remaining cheese.

Cover dish with foil, and bake an additional 20 minutes, or until heated through.Remove foil and bake another 5 minutes, until cheese browns. Remove from oven and let stand 10 minutes before serving.Serve with sour cream, guacamole, salsa, additional cilantro, etc.

I tell you it is just divine. You'll love it. 

P.S.  It took me about an hour and a half to make it the first time, but now that I know the recipe I'm sure I can cut that down to about an hour. Making the homemade enchilada sauce just takes a bit of time, but it's worth it. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

You Just Know

You know that moment when you realize that you need to be refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated? The moment when you look inside yourself and feel tired, worn down, and discouraged.

These last 8 months have been hard. Following God's leading and leaving our pastorate after 7 years has been the toughest ministry transition to date (for our family).  While I'm thankful for God's leading and gentle nudging on our hearts, it sure has been a time where He's been stretching us beyond what I thought I could bear some days.

Recently I read, that while many pray for God's will to be accomplished in their lives, they don't realize that it is already being accomplished. God is already working on me. His plan (as long as I comply) is being impressed daily. I don't have to wait for God's will to occur, it already is, right now! It may not be what I was looking for or wanting, but He is working. I've been learning a lot about my Savior these last several months, and it has been exciting.

I'm very thankful for my parents who are letting us stay with them temporarily.  During this time we've been going to their church at Bay Area Community. We've really enjoyed sitting under the dynamic and challenging preaching. It has been a refreshing time~to be able to just sit back, play no role in the service, and absorb what God is sharing each Sunday. I know that this time is so precious, as it will be coming to a close in a few short weeks.

Life is complicated. Life is hard some days. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to go to the Women of Faith conference in DC this weekend. Thankfully, I got the last ticket the church had to offer at a discounted price. :)  God knew I needed this time. He knew I needed to be renewed and refreshed for our next chapter in ministry. He knows my name and desires the best for me AND for you.

My favorite quote from this weekend was from Christine Cain and she said this: "Unless we choose today to deal with yesterday, we'll never get to tomorrow." It really hit me. Too many people, including myself, live in our yesterday's.  She said we need to work through it, leave the shame at the cross, and move forward into what God has for us. Unashamed.

 God is good. He chiseling away, piece by piece.

Friday, August 3, 2012

To Be Or Not To Be

For many years I've lived by keeping a schedule by using a paper calendar of some sort. Some years I've just bought a spiral bound one and have thrown it away after the year is through. On other years I've bought calendar inserts from Franklin Covey for my leather planner.

After getting my first smart phone almost three years ago (an iPhone), I've come to love it's calendar feature as well. Particularly, last year when my husband and I synced our calendars and it made for a much smoother family schedule.  Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely adore the features of my iPhone.

But, after using both calendar systems, I think I've decided that this year I shall use both!! Crazy as that sounds, I think having the smart phone to notify me when I have appointments (or my husband or our daughter) will still be imperative, but also having a paper calendar will help me see the "big" picture when it comes to planning vacations and my thirty-one business.

So it is, to be for the paper calendar AND smart phone calendar.

 Hope it doesn't drive me crazy! ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reflections From a Nine Year Journey

As I sit here and prepare for my last Sunday at our church before moving on, I can't help but find my mind wandering back over each of the nine years we've lived in Central Pennsylvania.

My heart will be forever linked to these lovely plains and rolling hills. Pennsylvania was somewhere I had never thought of living, but now, after living her for quite some time, I'll never be the same.

The beauty of this state is unsurpassed by what I've been used to in my life. The sweet, simple way of life here has been a well of refreshment for my soul many times.

I will miss:
  • The sweet laid back culture of kind, hard working people
  • The Amish community and all they have to offer-fresh, locally grown produce at a fraction of the cost grocery stores charge
  • The lovely Mennonite women at the farmers market who have loved on my daughter since I first started bringing her there that warm fall day in 2009
  • The lush green hills and rolling pastures that spring and summer have to offer
  • The absolutely beautiful trees as they change color in the fall
  • The numerous farmers markets in varying towns that offer local, fresh produce year round
  • The loving people of our church 
  • The amazing friendships I've made and those Addison has made
  • My job where I've been stretched, and challenged so much at times I cried. But in the end, learning so much about myself, has helped me change things I've been needing to change for years.
  • The numerous parks and playgrounds our family have come to love! 
  • The BEST soft serve peanut butter ice cream in the world. :)
  • Amazing state parks and lakes! 
  • The close proximity to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, the beach, and my family.

Mostly, I'll miss our home. Our home we've created so many memories in.
Brought our first baby home to. 
The house that was the first home for our little family of three. 

 I will thank God every time I think of Pennsylvania. I will thank Him for the challenges, the times of stretching, the tears, the joys, and sweet comforts of a home made in a land rich with beauty.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cookin' From the Pantry Challenge

Many times in the past I've made a meal or two in a pinch from only items hidden in my pantry. These nights usually were Wednesday's because those are the busiest nights in our house (church night). Tonight I was thinking over things...two things actually. Our tight budget and moving. So in an attempt to save a bit of money and to prepare for our upcoming move I decided to make our next two week menu based off of only items in my pantry. I will be purchasing some meat, and fresh fruit to go along with the meals.

So, my challenge to myself is to plan meals around what I have. Now, this is hard for me because when I plan our meals I always choose a new recipe to try each week. So I'm going to have to resist that pull to try a new recipe to focusing on being creative with what I have.

My goal is to spend less that $30 on the meat I need for the next two weeks when I shop tomorrow. And to go to the farmers market on Tuesday and spend less than $10 each week on my produce.

Have you ever tried this? Wish me luck!Tomorrow night's dinner: Tacos, black beans, corn, brown rice, and pears

Thursday, March 22, 2012

If You're Happy and You Know It!

Last week when it was really starting to warm up I brought home a huge bottle of bubbles for Addy to play with outside. I was so excited to get home and play with her outside and enjoy chasing the bubbles together. She was thrilled when I showed her what I had brought her home. So off we went outside to play!
It was at least 65 degrees out and the sun was shining in the clear sky. Just a beautiful day. Perfect for outdoor play.
After playing with the bubbles, and spilling half the jar (which I totally prepared myself for), Addy stopped still in her tracks and looked at me and said "I happy." She melted my heart right there, once again. As her Mother I try my best to teach her about feelings, along with many other things, but as a counselor myself I know firsthand the importance of feeling expression (and parental empathy) at a young age. To this date she had only said "I sad." But today was different. Joy. I felt so "happy" right along with her.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crunchy Oven Baked Chicken Strips

Good evening friends! Have you ever made homemade baked chicken strips or nuggets only to find them dry and lack luster in flavor? I like to cook healthy meals for my family but sometimes find the recipes lacking in appeal after trying them once. Tonight I decided to try a new recipe that I found on Pinterest for Weight Watchers baked chicken fingers. When I went to my Pinterest board the link for the recipe was incorrect. I wasn't able to find it. So...since I had the chicken all defrosted and ready to go I decided to create my own recipe. I will say I borrowed some ideas from different recipes I've found here and there for the same baked chicken idea. I just combined them and added a few other ingredients.

So here's the recipe. If you have time, give it a try. I'm sure it will be a family pleaser. :)

Crunchy Oven Baked Chicken Strips

1 1/2 lb of chicken breasts, trimmed and cut in strips
1 egg
1/2 cup of light sour cream
2 cups crushed corn flakes
1 cup seasoned or plain panko break crumbs
1 tsp onion powder
t tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt
cooking spray

1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
2. Cut the chicken into strips.
3. In a shallow bowl whisk the egg with the sour cream. Season with salt and pepper. (Tip: seasoning each layer is the best way to cook, in my opinion).
4. In a separate shallow bowl, combine the crushed corn flakes, panko bread crumbs, onion powder, salt, pepper, and garlic salt.
5. Beginning with the egg mixture, dip each piece of chicken in the egg and then cornflake mixture. Making sure to coat the chicken well. Place each piece on a rack that has been placed on top of a cookie sheet. Repeat until all the chicken is coated. Spray chicken with cooking spray to create a golden, crisp crust.
6. Bake at 425 for 20-25 minutes or until no longer pink.

Serve with your choice of light dipping sauce and enjoy!~

Days Like These

I'm so very grateful for days like today. A day where the sun is shining and it's not too cold out where my Addy girl and I can explore the world. I thank God every time it comes to mind, that I can be a stay-at-home Mommy.

Today we went to feed the ducks at a local pond. We love feeding ducks. I'm not exactly sure why but I guess it's quite peaceful and serene.

After that we went to the park. Boy do we love Charles Park! The swings totally ROCK! They're hung from longer chain-link so Addy can swing high. She laughs in excitement every time as if it was her first time swinging. I remember her first swing ride. She was about 10 or 11 months old. The look her her face was sheer delight. It's something I'll always remember.
I'm thankful I'm with her today and every day. Some days might be more trying than others but I wouldn't change a thing. I don't want to miss a moment!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Carrying Cupcakes in Style!

I love cupcakes and I'm such a sucker for cupcake shops! So, since I like cupcakes so much I decided I wanted to invest in a portable carrier to transport these beauties to parties and schools (someday). Complete side note: I can't wait to be a room mom when Addy goes to school (not like I'm rushing this though...)! So I figured, why not get one now and make it more convenient to travel with them and then I'll be prepared when Addy goes to school.

I shopped high and low for just the right carrier. I found ones that were pretty short, short as in there wouldn't be room for gourmet cupcakes or those decorated more luxuriously ;) Which, by the way, is the way to go!

I finished my search at Bed Bath and Beyond. I was thrilled to find this beautiful carrier. The top pops up to carry 24 gourmet cupcakes and then pops down to save storage space. It will also carry a round cake as well. I used it to transport cupcakes to church today. It worked perfectly.
I'm a happy girl.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Look Around, then Look Up!

This morning I woke up, looked out the window and saw this...
And the first thing I thought was this"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will" Romans 12:2

I love how the snow looks untouched, new, fresh and white. It reminds me of this new day God has given me, how it's a fresh start, a new beginning.

So many times I think we as Christians get caught up in all that's going wrong in our lives, what we don't have or what we are struggling with day in and day out. What we fail to see is what God IS doing around us. I need to work on transforming my mind to be more like His. As a people we need to stop conforming to this world (peers, society) and move towards more Christ-likeness!

I love how our new series at church (SoulShift) is teaching me this. To grow in Christ is a matter of the soul transformed. My prayer is that God will teach me at the soul level and my life will be forever changed to be more like his.

So I say, happy Thursday dear ones! Remember to focus on Him and the good, Abba Father that He is, only then will we grow deeper in love with our King.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Emotional Eating

"Emotional eating is eating for reasons other than hunger."

Emotional eating is an issue for me. No matter what I do, exercise or eat right, the issue is still the issue. If I don't resolve why I overeat, there will never be true weight loss success (for me personally). Most people who lose weight will gain most, if not all of it back over time. It seems as Americans we want a quick fix. Oooh what's the newest diet plan or weight loss program I can try? Excitement gains attention. And why some of these plans are well and good (like our lovely Weight Watchers), most of them will not last over time when the underlying problem is emotional. Personally, sometimes I think I avoid losing weight all together knowing that real work is HARD and most times I'm not ready to go there....hence the writing of this post.

So God and I had a good talk this weekend. A deep talk. We've had many over the years but this one was different. I felt like God was saying, "girl you've got this food thing all wrong, it's become more of a focus in your life than me at times." It hit me differently this time. Having dealt with being overweight my entire adult life, I've had these conversations with God before. But I think you come to a point when it's like, now is the time. I think you eventually just come to a realization that no matter what you do (diet wise) or who's along the journey with you, it's all about you and God and no one else. I'm at that point. Although, I do love my weight loss partners.

I'm thankful for how God is working in my life by stretching me...challenging me. It's going to be hard but I think I'm up for it. I'm 34, now is the time. Not tomorrow or next year. Now. With God's grace I will reach my goals. With His help I will overcome these emotional matters of my heart.

"As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God."
Psalm 42:1
A good resource...

How to Tell the Difference

There are several differences between emotional hunger and physical hunger, according to the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center web site:

1. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly; physical hunger occurs gradually.

2. When you are eating to fill a void that isn't related to an empty stomach, you crave a specific food, such as pizza or ice cream, and only that food will meet your need. When you eat because you are actually hungry, you're open to options.

3. Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied instantly with the food you crave; physical hunger can wait.

4. Even when you are full, if you're eating to satisfy an emotional need, you're more likely to keep eating. When you're eating because you're hungry, you're more likely to stop when you're full.

5. Emotional eating can leave behind feelings of guilt; eating when you are physically hungry does not.

Emotional eating is a coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions. Instead of facing the causes of stress, anger, sadness or anxiety directly, you soothe or comfort yourself with food. But after the initial pleasure from eating dissipates, the emotions that triggered the craving still remain. Nothing has been done to rectify or remedy the emotional state, and you often feel worse than before.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello Love!

While I'm very sad that Christmas is over (at least the season of Christmas, as it lives on in my heart...), I'm very happy that Valentine's Day is the next holiday. What better way to share the love of Christ than by expressing it during the next two months.

I'm really looking forward to planning some surprises for my husband and daughter. One to include a valentine's date with Addy~just the two of us.

So I say, "welcome winter, and welcome the season of love!"